Český Krumlov for Our Guests
Here you can find some ideas on places to visit in Český Krumlov and around. Whether it is your first time or you visit the town frequently, there is always more to discover! Do not stay just in town – there are plenty of great sports outside of it too. Our nice receptionist will be happy to offer additional tips and help you with booking tickets. Just ask!
Top Sights
Unusual Spots
Around Krumlov
Egon Schiele Art Centrum
Former municipal brewery building from the 16th century now houses an art gallery featuring works by various artists, including Krumlov´s one-time resident Egon Schiele. Do not miss timed exhibitions of contemporary artists.
This brewery used to belong the the Castle nobility and beer has been brewed here for centuries. Visit the large garden by the river, a location of many open-air concerts and events. Brewery tours are possible with advance reservation.
Jewish Synagogue
Local synagogue is one of the few remaining Jewish places of worship which survived destruction during so-called Kristallnacht. Although carefully restored, it no longer serves its original purpose. Instead it houses exhibitions and concerts. Do not miss the cosy café located in the former rabbi´s quarters in the basement.
Chapel on Křížová hora (Cross Hill)
Křížová hora (Cross Hill) towering over town is a spiritual place with strong energy. The Chapel has been restored by efforts of two exceptional individuals – you can meet them here. Take the traditional pilgrimage route and discover a new view of town.
Graphite Mine
Did you know that graphite of exceptional quality used to be mined in Český Krumlov? The former mine is now open to public, easily accessible from the town center and set to please your kids too. Come discover this attraction!